7 Time-Saving Hacks for Back To School 2021

We rounded up our best hacks for back to school so that you have more time to focus on the other 100 things on your to-do list.

Surprise, surprise, We’re facing yet another unprecedented year of back to school with our kiddos. Le sigh. From navigating ever-changing health and safety regulations to figuring out how to adjust to another new normal, it looks like the universe is testing our patience yet again. Luckily, we’ve rounded up our community’s tried-and-true time hacks for back to school so that you have more time to focus on the other 100 things on your ever-evolving to-do list. 

Set a bedtime routine in advance

At this point, we all know that kids thrive off of routine. That’s why back to school can be such a hard transition for our kiddos: All of the sudden their days are filled with early wake ups, structured play time and trying to remember what comes after L-M-N-O-P. That’s why we recommend easing into your new bedtime routine about two weeks before they start school. This will help prevent any crankiness that might come with longer days or earlier wakeups. Plus, it will prep them for the change that’s coming and help both of you get more sleep at night. 

Sync calendars with your partner 

Your kiddos aren’t the only ones dealing with the stress of new routines. Your family has gotten into the swing of things this summer and now that school is back in session, everyone’s schedule looks different. In navigating this change, it’s key that you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to your new schedule and responsibilities. Create a shared calendar with your partner so that you are always on the same page for who’s doing drop off, making lunch, and picking up after school. 

Create a backpack checklist

Every parent knows that gut-wrenching feeling of dropping your kiddo off at school and getting a call that they forgot something. Creating a backpack checklist might be one of the most genius ideas we’ve come across. All you have to do is stick the checklist on the fridge or backdoor to ensure they have everything they need before you head out the door.  

Plan for easy weeknight dinners 

Sometimes it can feel like an impossible task to have a healthy dinner ready on the table before your little’s hanger strikes. Our solve? Little Spoon has a rotating menu of veggie-packed, picky-eater faves like Mac & Three Cheese and Chicken Super Nuggets. Oh and did we mention they’re delivered right to your door? Yup, we just took dinner off your mind once and for all. 

Always have an emergency bag

Whether you’re tackling preschool drop offs or daycare meltdowns, it’s always useful to be prepared. Pack an extra bag of essentials for on the go so that your bases are always covered. We recco having an extra outfit for every kid, wet wipes, sneakers, a plastic baggie, a comfort object or toy, extra snacks, and a mini first-aid kit (if you know, you know). Oh, and if you’re like us and too lazy to put all this together, just a grab one of Rafi Nova’s Oh Sh*t Kits and you’ll be good to go. 

Set out your kiddo’s outfits for the week

We all know that getting your kiddo dressed in the morning can be an ordeal to say the least. Getting a hanging shoe organizer to put an outfit in for each day of the week changes the game.  Now you can just grab their outfit for the day and get dressed in the morning instead of rummaging around to find clean, matching clothes. Mind = blown. 

Homework station 

There’s nothing more annoying than having to pester your mini about their homework. Luckily, designating a set time and place for homework in your home makes it ten times easier. Set up a small desk or put a “Homework station” sign above one of the tables in your home. We know it sounds simple, but once it becomes an integral space in the home and routine, they’ll know that it’s not an option. 

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