Common Fall Illnesses and Allergies: What Parents Need to Know

Here's our roundup of the best tips and tricks for preparing for cold, flu and allergy season this fall.

As the crisp fall air rolls in, so does the season of sniffles and sneezes. As always, we advise speaking with your pediatrician for proper diagnoses and to develop a treatment plan that works for you and your little ones. Here’s a quick guide to help parents navigate common illnesses and allergies this fall, along with tips to tackle them effectively:

Seasonal Allergies

What to Watch For: Sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose.

How to Tackle It: Keep your windows closed to make sure loose pollen stays out of your home. Use air purifiers in your home and wash your hands frequently. Over-the-counter antihistamines can help, like Kids’ Claritin and Zyrtec, but consult your pediatrician for the best options.

Cold, COVID-19 and Flu

What to Watch For: Coughing, congestion, fever, and sore throat.

How to Tackle It: Keep your hands sanitized and frequently wash your hands. Make sure to prioritize hydration with plenty of water and healthy fruits and vegetables to keep your immunity system up to speed. Ahead of flu season, consult your pediatrician about the flu vaccine for your kiddo to decide if it is the right option for you. 


What to Watch For: A distinctive barking cough and stridor (a high-pitched sound when breathing in).

How to Tackle It: Keep the air moist with a humidifier and ensure your child stays calm. It’s also important to elevate their head with an extra pillow or two while they sleep. In severe cases, seek medical attention for possible steroid treatment.

Stomach Bugs

What to Watch For: Vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.

How to Tackle It: Keep your child hydrated with clear fluids and offer small, bland meals. Remember the BRAT diet—yes it’s a real thing—bananas, applesauce, rice and toast. This regimen is the perfect lineup if your kiddo feels nauseous and can’t keep much down. If symptoms are severe or persistent, consult a healthcare provider.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

What to Watch For: Severe respiratory symptoms, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing, particularly in infants.

How to Tackle It: Practice good hand washing, avoid close contact with sick individuals, and monitor symptoms closely. Seek medical advice if your child shows signs of RSV.

Extra Tips:

Boost Immunity: Encourage a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Stay Informed: Keep up with vaccinations and consult your pediatrician for personalized advice.

Navigating fall’s common ailments can be a breeze with a bit of knowledge and preparation. Stay proactive, keep your house clean and enjoy the season with fewer worries!


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