A Guide to Safely Managing Food Allergies in School

Need help with managing your child's food allergy at school? Ali Bandier, MS, RD, CDN has you covered!

With back to school season on the horizon, it’s time to start planning your approach to managing food allergies. We get it — allergies are daunting and you want nothing more than to protect your little ones. With careful planning, communication, and vigilance, your kiddo can safely navigate mealtime at school at any age. Here’s how: 

Establish Clear Communication with Teachers and Childcare Providers

  • Create an Allergy Action Plan: Ensure there’s a clear, written plan for what to do in case of an allergic reaction, including when to administer medication. Make sure to include important emergency contact numbers in the same bag as your child’s medication!
  • Inform the Caregivers: Share your child’s specific allergies with all caregivers. Include specific examples of tricky foods that you wouldn’t expect to contain those allergens. For example, many people have no idea that sesame oil can be found in rice crackers! This is also important when it comes to activities and crafts that involve food, like macaroni necklaces and goldfish (cracker) bowls. Communicating your needs and concerns ahead of time will put your mind at ease and ensure your little one can learn, grow and have fun in a safe environment.   

Pack “Safe” Snacks and Meals

  • Pack and Prepare At-Home: Pack healthy, pre-made meals and snacks to avoid cross-contamination, like Little Spoon Biteables and Plates. These on-the-go meals clearly communicate Little Spoon’s use of clean ingredients and what allergens that meal may contain. It is also important to stock your kid’s backpack up with single-serve options like Dipsters and Fruit Rippers in case there are no allergen-free snacks available. 
  • Discuss Menu Plans: Your safest option is to pack your child’s meals at home — but things happen: the class has a pizza party or someone brings in ice cream to celebrate a birthday. If the daycare provides food, discuss the menu in advance and provide safe alternatives for your kiddo to still participate in the fun.

Educate and Empower Your Child

  • Teach Awareness: Think back to how fun it was as a kid to trade your apple slices for your friend’s strawberry yogurt at the lunch table. Our kids are no different — they love to show off their snacks! Sharing food gets complicated when children have allergies, so it’s important to teach your little one about what they can and can’t have. Empower them to recognize their allergens and ask a grown-up if they have questions about a snack’s ingredients. 
  • Practice Emergency Drills: It is crucial to make sure your child knows how to identify when they are having an allergic reaction. Will they start to feel itchy? Will their skin turn dry and red? When your child is familiar with these feelings, they will know how to navigate the situation and advocate for themselves if they have a reaction at school. 

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