How to Travel with Your Kids So You Can Actually Enjoy It

Who said family vacations have to be stressful?

Traveling with kids can be a wild ride, but with the right tips and tricks, you can turn potential chaos into a family adventure you’ll all remember forever. Here’s how to make it happen:

1. Plan Ahead, Like a Boss

  • Research Cool Spots: Pick places that scream “fun for the whole family.” Think beaches, amusement parks, and kid-friendly museums. Bonus points if there’s coffee for you and ice cream for the kids.
  • Book Family-Friendly Spots: Look for hotels with cribs, pools, and play areas. Airbnb’s with some extra space are always a win! 

2. Pack For Like a Pro For Your Needs

  • Essentials Galore: Stock up on diapers, wipes, snacks, and a mini first-aid kit. You’re basically becoming a mobile version of your home.
    • Simplified tip: buy bulky staples when you arrive at your destination. 
  • Entertainment Arsenal: Bring toys, books, and gadgets to keep little ones entertained. 
    • Simplified tip: Pack only what you need. Rent baby gear at your destination to save space and sanity — no one wants to lug a pack ‘n play through an airport.

3. Get the Kids in on the Action

  • Let Them Choose: Allow older kids to pick some activities or places to visit. They’ll feel like mini travel planners! 
  • Packing Fun: Let them pack a small bag with their favorite toys or books. This could lead to a backpack filled with 10 stuffed animals and one sock, but hey, it’s their bag!

4. Stick to Your Routine, Mostly

  • Sleep Sweetly: Keep naps and bedtimes as regular as possible to avoid cranky kiddos on vacation. 
  • Munch Time: Stick to familiar meal times to keep everyone happy and fed. Hungry kids turn into hangry monsters faster than you can say “snack time.”

5. Flexibility is Your Friend

  • Go with the Flow: Be ready to change plans based on the kids’ moods. Sometimes, a lazy, relaxing afternoon is just what the family needs. 

6. Embrace the Tech

  • Apps and Gadgets: Use travel apps for kids, GPS for smooth sailing, and tablets for quiet time during long trips. Remember, download movies and games ahead of time on tablets to keep your fidgety travelers occupied during long flights. 

7. Break Up Travel Time

  • Pit Stops: Nothing is worse than being 15 miles away from the nearest highway exit and your little one tells you that they “can’t hold it anymore”. Be sure to make frequent stops for playtime and potty breaks.
  • Layover Love: If flying long distances, pick flights with layovers to let kids run around and burn off energy. Your future self will thank you.  

8. Stay Chill and Keep Smiling

  • Expect the Unexpected: Things won’t always go as planned. Laugh off the little mishaps and enjoy the ride. 
  • Fun First: Focus on making memories and having fun together, even when things get a little crazy. Because those are the moments you’ll laugh about… eventually.
  • Capture the Magic: Snap lots of pics and maybe even start a travel journal to remember all the fun from your kids’ point of view. 

By planning ahead, staying flexible, and keeping a sense of humor, you can turn family travel into a delightful adventure for everyone. Happy travels!


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