A Day in the Life with Little Spoon 

Need inspiration for how to feed your family of kiddos? Here is a list of our favorite toddler food ideas using only Little Spoon products!

One of the greatest mysteries of parenting is how fast your little one changes right before your eyes. One minute, they rely on you for just about everything (and yes, we mean everything) and the next, they’re walking and talking on their own. 

This can prove to be particularly challenging when it comes to mealtime! Right when you’ve mastered the face they make when they’ve had too much milky formula (if you know you know) — BOOM you have to tackle an entire new frontier of textures, flavors and taste preferences. That’s where Little Spoon comes in. 

We’ve spent an absurd amount of time obsessing over every nuance, milestone and need for each eating phase so that you don’t have to. 

Over the years, we’ve worked to develop the baby, toddler + kid meals and snacks that you need in your arsenal to keep up with your kiddo’s ever-evolving developmental phases and taste palates. So, without further adieu, here’s an example “what I eat in a day with Little Spoon” for three little ones: 

Meet Baby Liam, 7 months old, loves staring at himself in the mirror:

Baby Liam is a prime-time Babyblends customer! At 7 months old, he is exploring new textures with single and dual ingredient blends that feel nice and soft on his gums, especially during the teething stage. Liam also loves to hold (and throw) big blocks and toys as his motor skills are starting to develop. Thanks to some teething, he enjoys anything that can melt in his mouth, if it doesn’t make it on the floor first. 

Meet Aubrey, 11 month old, still calls everyone “dada” and recently learned “no” , 

Little Aubrey is a perfect candidate for our Biteables menu, early finger food meals. She has aged out of Babyblends, and loves the independence of being able to feed herself in fun-sized bites. Surprisingly, she never says “no” to a Biteable. 

Meet Jack, 2.5 year old big kid, obsessed with anything on wheels, especially shopping carts: 

Jack is the self-proclaimed “big brother” who loves to rock his Little Spoon Plates and snacks at daycare. He’s known to brag about how he “picked out his food” and even gets to help his parents heat up the Plate in the microwave! Big leagues, people.  

Looking for more tips on parenting, nutrition & all the WTF moments of this life stage? Sign up for our weekly Is This Normal by Little Spoon newsletter.
