What Does “Organic” Really Mean?

Discover what "organic" truly means and how Little Spoon ensures its baby food meets the highest organic standards for your child.

With so many buzzwords swirling around when it comes to the food we eat—natural, non-GMO, cage-free, pasture-raised—it can be hard to keep them all straight. One of the most important terms to understand is “organic,” a label that has become the benchmark for cleaner food. But what exactly does certified organic mean, and why should it matter to you? Let’s break it down.

What does it mean to be certified organic?

Certified organic food is produced according to strict standards that prioritize environmentally friendly farming practices1. This means the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and GMOs is prohibited. Instead, organic farming relies on natural methods like crop rotation, composting, and pest management by natural predators to maintain soil health and minimize environmental impact. Organic produce is grown without synthetic pesticides, and organic meats come from animals raised without antibiotics or synthetic hormones.

Think of organic as the “real deal”—a tomato grown without shortcuts, just as nature intended. Organic certification ensures that the food on your table is as close to nature as possible, free from harmful additives or artificial enhancements.

Our standards start at the seed—literally. Little Spoon’s ingredients are always the cleanest and highest-quality harvests and are traceable to the source. These ingredients begin their Little Spoon journey by growing in nutritious and clean soil from certified-organic agricultural partners. When the manufacturing process begins, Little Spoon Babyblends are tested for over 500+ contaminants, and no product will be sold if it does not pass Little Spoon’s rigorous standards. These testing regulations are inspired by none other than the European Union standards set to regulate toxins in baby food. To learn more about Little Spoon’s quality and safety standards, visit littlespoonbigchange.com.

Are organic foods free of GMOs?

2Always! GMOs, or genetically modified organisms are kind of like Botox and fillers for vegetables and fruits. They give products a large, plump and juicy appearance that can withstand the test of time because their DNA has been altered in some way4. GMOs may give fruits and vegetables an impressive face lift, but the effects that these substances can have on the environment, the produce, and those who consume them are nothing to brag about.

GMOs pose a threat to the nutritional value of the foods that they are introduced into. Some vitamins and minerals cannot be adequately obtained from genetically-modified organisms. Additionally, GMOs contain foreign genes that could prompt an allergic reaction. That’s not to say that all GMOs will cause an outbreak of itches and sniffles, but some people may be allergic to the strains that are used to genetically modify certain foods. At Little Spoon, we believe that the food found in nature doesn’t need to be genetically modified to deliver the best nutrition. That’s why we’ve made it a standard to prioritize organic ingredients in our Babyblends. In addition, we rigorously test our products for over 500 contaminants, including pesticides, glyphosate, plasticizers, and heavy metals, to ensure high quality and safety. 

What makes Little Spoon different from other baby food options?

Little Spoon has an entire list of “NO” ingredients that you will never find in any Little Spoon product, not just baby food, you can view the full list of 100+ ingredients here. Little Spoon uses the high quality produce, grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, including glyphosate, to craft our certified organic Babyblends. Part of the Little Spoon commitment is to ensure every ingredient we use is traceable right back to the source. 

We test for over 500 toxins and contaminants in our Babyblends, and no product is sold unless all testing limits are met. Little Spoon’s safety standards are modeled after those of the European Union. The European Union’s standards are widely trusted because they’ve been developed through decades of research and are known for being some of the most protective regulations in the world when it comes to food safety. 

We also use an innovative cold-pressure protection technology called HPP (high pressure processing) to safely eliminate any potential bacteria without exposing Little Spoon Babyblendsto extremely high heat. Little Spoon stands for transparency for the parent and remains ever committed to ensuring the safety of their children. We’re proud to be leading the way by testing our Babyblends to the highest standards and we’re committed to bringing the same level of transparency across all of our high quality, junk-free products for babies, toddlers and kids. 

  1.  https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2012/03/22/organic-101-what-usda-organic-label-means
  2.  https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/Can%20GMOs%20be%20Used.pdf
  3. https://www.fda.gov/food/consumers/agricultural-biotechnology

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