In September 2024, Little Spoon became the first brand in the U.S. with public testing standards for our baby food, committing to transparency for our Babyblends and extending through to Puffs and Baby Cereal. This is a true historic moment not just for Little Spoon, but for the entire baby food industry in America. For centuries, parents have been compromising when it comes to their baby’s health, because the U.S. currently does not have federal regulations in place for limiting levels of chemical contaminants in baby food. So, we decided to take matters into our own hands. Our commitment is the first of its kind, and we are here to earn your trust with the greatest level of transparency available in the U.S.
Now, we’re driving the same BIG change in our Biteables line to meet your baby at their next big eating stage and continue to provide the ultimate transparency so you can trust us when it comes to feeding your kiddo. We are thrilled to share that our Biteables products are also now being tested for more than 500 toxins and contaminants, including pesticides, plasticizers and heavy metals. Our commitment to European Union aligned testing standards makes it possible for families to trust the foods that their kiddo is eating as they start solids and graduate from our Babyblends and move on to a stress-free transition to finger foods. The standards that you have become familiar with in our Babyblends, is now the same for Biteables.
What are Biteables?
Our Biteables are the perfect and easy transition to table food meals featuring hidden veggies and Clean Label Project Certified balanced meals that are cut to size to support your baby’s motor and oral skills. Gone are the stressful days of guessing which ingredients to introduce, sizes to chop and textures to offer as you enter the next eating stage.
What are Biteables being tested for?
Every Biteable meal is tested for the “Big 4” heavy metals: Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury, in addition to 500+ toxins and contaminants including hundreds of pesticide residues, such as glyphosate and plasticizers like BPA and BPS.
All of our publicly available testing results can be found on our website and it’s super easy to view. Select the menu item you want to view, click the plus icon next to “Safety + Transparency” and you’ll find all the results including testing limits and standards we have set. We truly are committed to providing you the ultimate transparency and we will not sell any product unless it passes the test, period.

We measure these contaminants in Parts Per Billion (PPB), which translates to 1 part in 1 billion. Think of 1 part per billion as a single drop of water in an olympic-sized swimming pool. Trace amounts at or below European Union testing thresholds is exactly what we’re looking for.

What makes Little Spoon’s standards different?
Little Spoon is the first and only brand in the U.S. to have public testing standards set and available for baby food safety. We set out to make a BIG change in the industry because there are currently no federal regulations in the U.S., so we took matters into our own hands and adopted the European Union (EU) standard to test our products for 500+ toxins and contaminants including heavy metals, plasticizers and pesticides. We can promise you that no Babyblends, Puffs, Baby Cereal or Biteable products will be sold if they do not pass our rigorous standards.
We have been committed to providing the utmost safety and transparency when it comes to feeding babies and kids in the U.S. since day one and it doesn’t stop here.
Our commitment to trust, safety and quality starts at the seed, literally. We source non-GMO and certified-organic ingredients from across the country, and we meticulously partner with farms we trust. We know what ingredients we want and which we don’t, which is why we have an entire list of 100+ banned and unnecessary ingredients that are commonly used by grocery store brands but banned by Little Spoon. You will never find ingredients like additives, artificial sugars, dyes, synthetic colors and so much more in any Little Spoon product.
Where can I learn more about Little Spoon’s safety standards?
For starters, head over to Little Spoon, Big Change to dive into Our Standards and even more detail on how we are delivering the trust and transparency that parents deserve when it comes to their baby’s food. Join us as we break down our commitment to YOU and the truth about toxins and heavy metals in baby food across the U.S. Food System.